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Since the launch of our very first vanilla Battlefield 2 1.5 server two weeks ago, we have thoroughly enjoyed those classic 16 player maps.

However, out of the box, the original BF2 did not include support for playing with bots on 32 and 64 player maps. We like the BF2ALL64 mod because it does not modify the vanilla BF2, but simply adds support for playing with bots on 32 and 64 player maps.

Hence, we decided to create 32 and 64 player BF2ALL64 servers for the community, knowing how few servers there are out there.

Today we announce three more servers:

Together with our first vanilla BF2 server, we now have 16, 32, and 64 player ranked servers, just like the original BF2! Our BFHQ rank system recognizes player scores across our vanilla BF2 server, as well as our BF2ALL64 servers. That means we get the complete stats including stats for large map vehicles (aircraft, helicopters, boats) which makes the ranking system as comprehensive as the original BF2 BFHQ.

The unranked playground server is for anybody to have fun with any 16, 32, or 64 map without their stats being ranked.

For best bot performance, all four servers run with ESAI mod with optimized strategies by the BF2SP64 community. It is said to be much better than the original BF2 AI. We hope you like it.

Finally, to play on BF2ALL64 servers, simply install the BF2ALL64 mod. Download links are on the COMMUNITY page.

You can find the servers on our gametracker, or on BF2Hub.

Happy Battling!